Monday, April 27, 2009

The Allure of Freelance: Let's Get Real!

The Allure of Freelance: Let's Get Real!

What can you expect as a freelancer? I'll be rich, I'll hardly have to work, and I'll have all the free time I want with out anybody hassling me. I can work at home and watch the kids. Right? Join Barbara Rinehart in this lively discussion on the realities of the freelance life. Explore the myths of the glamor in freelance. Discuss what a typical day, week, year might be for a full-time freelance. Find out if you have the personality for freelance. Tally up your skills and desires and see if the freelance life is a custom fit or a disaster in the making.

-- Personality test
-- Do you have what it takes?
-- A typical day in the life of the freelancer
-- Advantages of freelance
-- Disadvantages of freelance
-- Work clothes and other accouterments
-- Office space, equipment, and keeping the darn things running
-- Other people and do I have any in my life
-- Resources, or lack thereof
-- Money, financial windfall or economic woes